Thursday, 2 June 2011

Well I'm back, with portable news.

So the PS Vita is now all but revealed, with "official" Sony posters leaked. Of course this is all just speculation but with NGP (Next Generation Portable) just a concept name, like Project Natal, Vita does sound all the more appealing. With Sony usually going for bland names like the numbered PlayStation console series (1,2 & 3) and the original portable PlayStation being named, well, PlayStation Portable, I personally believe that they'll go for a more original name. My money's on it not being named PSP2 but instead on it being named something with more of a kick, how does Vita sound :P
For another thing I also believe that they would not hinder the specs unless they had to, but then again I believe price point will make a big difference in whether or not it sells well. With the 3DS not selling well because of the potential health risks ( I think Sony's purely tech filled selling point will excite gamers not otherwise enticed by the handheld markets usually graphically poor games.

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